The infamous Illuminati "defector" Mr. Leo Zagami,Grandmaster of European Illuminati,33 degree Freemason of the infamous P2 Lodge makes a rare appearence on radio today.Mr. Zagami is my "friend" on myspace and i get great pleasure in telling him the Illuminatis reign of categorized fear and terror on the massed population on this planet now is coming to an end.He never makes any reply of course.Some interviews with him,including Project Camelot,which are most revealing,telling of the evil occult cameraderie between members of the Illuminati and Freemasonry included = ... 690BA7AFB3 = plus another exclusive interview with Chris Hudson,aka "the Forerunner777",also a friend on youtube and myspace,which exposes the evil of freemasonry and the papacy and the Illuminati = ... 993C61B278 = The radio prog today = "Don't miss Leo Young Zagami with Steve Genier on Sunday the 4th of October 2009 on Nocturnal Frequency Radio
from 11pm till 1am (US Eastern time zone)
Pieces of the darkness are now set to reveal themselves!! Hosts Steve Genier and Alex Rondini will be trying to unravel the paranormal from all aspects. From the scientific to the spiritual and from it's urban legends. Interviewing people who investigate, research and write about the paranormal. Of course many of you are interested in the paranormal and all it's different aspects! Let's face it, there are many different ways to approach it, that is our defense given that this is not only a field that still relatively unknown but highly unregulated and very exploited! These are the issues we cover on the shown" ...from his site = Welcome from Leo Zagami
linux Written by Leo Zagami
Friday, 19 June 2009 13:13
We the Order of the Knights Templar's renounce Obama and oppose his presidency, this a just decision that has nothing to do with renouncing or opposing the Office of the President of the United States of America: it does however have everything to do with renouncing and opposing Obama personally. Know that it is the very Office of the President of the United States of America, and everything that this office represents, that the Knights Templar are trying to protect!
Knights Templar of the Apocalypse
The decision to renounce and oppose Obama was not made lightly, and know that much time and thought was put into our decision before it was made "public". Still, after careful and deliberate consideration, it was decided that something had to be said, and if something was in fact going to be said, then it had to be said loudly and strongly. The Knights Templar stands behind what we have decided to say concerning Obama.
As Templar's and Freemasons we are not permitted to discuss politics and religion within the sacred confines of the Lodge walls, and that tenant we respect greatly, but this stand of ours is being made outside of the Lodge walls, and because of that we shall speak our mind.
Are we to do nothing. After careful review it is clear to anyone with open eyes that Obama is leading the United States down the road to socialism, not to mention Taxation Without Representation, and this is to completely ignore the valid claims that Obama himself was not legally able to run for the Office of the President due to the fact he has yet to produce a valid, or even invalid, birth certificate!
Still, the point begs a response, are we Templar's and Brothers to do nothing? Are we, as self-proclaimed proponents of Freedom and Liberty, to just sit idle and ignore the events that are occurring in Washington and corrupting our nation? Are we Templar's and Brothers to do less than what are our Companions and Brothers did who fought for the Confederate States of America, and that is to act on moral principles? How about our Companions and Brothers involved in the ORIGINAL Tea Party? What of the Templar's and Brothers who fought against the Crown in the American War of Independence? Or what of our Templars and Brothers who took action against the oppressive French Monarchy in 1789? And what of our German Companions and Brothers, who as civilians and military personnel, who took action against the Fuhrer? What of the Templars and Brothers who fought to free Cuba after Castro took control? Are all of these Templars and Brothers wrong for fighting what they believed to be gross injustices in their land? Are we to blame any of these Companions and Brothers for acting courageously in trying to defend their nation's freedom and restore liberty to its people? Are ANY of these Templars and Brothers, all who fought to free their particular nation from political oppression, wrong to do what they felt was right in defending their nation's Liberties and Freedoms? Think about it please, are Templars and Masons, or even non-Masons, to just sit by and watch the United States be destroyed from within? Do we as Knights Templars and Freemasons just TALK about defending Freedom and Liberty or are we men who will do something about it if any of our God Given Rights are threatened? Are we, the Templars and Brothers of today, not to do anything constructive to correct the actions of a man clearly bent on turning the United States into a socialist country?
I say NO; the Order of the Knights Templars says NO; EVERY Freedom-Loving American says NO; and ALL Knights Templars and Freemasons should say NO!
Now, more than ever, is the time for the Knights Templars and Freemasonry to act. Media sensations such as "National Treasure", "The Da Vinci Code" and Dan Brown's someday-to-be-released book concerning the Knights Templars, Freemasonry and Washington can only carry the Fraternity so far. As we are all aware, new membership in the Craft is on a very sharp decline, and these media events that are temporarily increasing our ranks are only that ? temporary increases due to Hollywood and nothing more. As soon as Hollywood's interest in the Craft dies, so will the increased interest in the Craft will die with it. Why? Because Hollywood shows or tells nothing of what the Knights Templars or Freemasonry is actually about and shows our Craft in none of its true form, and once this spike of recruitment slows, and eventually diminishes, what is the Fraternity to do then?
And now I will tell you: We are to lead! I can tell you by experience that the American people as a whole, both men and women, are looking for leaders. Let the Knights Templars and Freemasons now lead these people. Let the Knights Templars and Freemasons lead the way!
Let us make this perfectly clear: The United States of America is by far the greatest country in the world. The Order of the Knights Templars of the Templi Secretum has more reverence for this country and compassion for its leaders than anyone you will talk to this month; and make no mistake about it, the Order of the Knights Templars of the Templi Secretum is a moral, honest, and honorable Order. Finally, know that the Order of the Knights Templars of the Templi Secretum is completely committed to defending and protecting the United States CONSTITUTION, the United States BILL OF RIGHTS and the UNITED STATES of AMERICA against ALL enemies both foreign AND domestic, and this includes Obama!
God Bless America!
In Hoc Signo Vinces,
Leo Lyon Zagami
Order of Universal Illumination
Knights Templar of the Apocalypse
33° AASR Piazza del Gesu' "
.......peace and blessings....butlincat