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 The Golden Thread, Volume 4.7 2009 
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GT Truther

Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:08 pm
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Former high-level Bush financial insider says “swine flu” vaccine part of depopulation agenda
By birdflu666

And Catherine's full blog

[ Shady adds Now folks I want you to pay close attention to Catherine's Blog Logo... Solari "The Publisher of the Solari Report"

There are factions within factions within factions.. ]

Catherine Austin Fitts' Blog
Mapping the real deal

Swine Flu: What I Believe
Catherine, Daily Musings, Financial Permaculture and News & Commentary,
July 22, 2009 at 10:07 am

I believe one of the goals of the swine flu vaccine is depopulation. Perhaps it is the goal of a swine flu epidemic as well, whether bio-warfare or hype around a flu season.

These days, I keep remembering my sense of urgency leaving the Bush Administration in 1991. We had to do something to turn around the economy and gather real assets behind retirement plans and the social safety net. If not, Americans could find themselves deeply out on a limb. I felt my family and friends were in danger. They did not share my concern. They had a deep faith in the system.

[Shady = very important. We are on the verge of world wide economic collaspe The PTB know whats coming after the collapse, they know they will be stung up! All across the globe. So you start a world wide pandemic millions catching ill and possibly dying.. and people will be too concerned with just staying alive then hunting down tycoons that collapsed the economic markets.. mean while the NEW WORLD ORDER appears and offers stability in chaos]

As my efforts to find ways of reengineering government investment in communities failed to win political support, Washington and Wall Street moved forward with a debt bubble and globalization that was horrifying in its implications for humanity.

Overwhelmed by what was happening, I estimated the end result. My simple calculations guessed that we were going to achieve economic sustainability on Earth by depopulating down to a population of approximately 500 million people from our then current global population of 6 billion. I was a portfolio strategist used to looking at numbers from a very high level. Those around me could not fathom how all the different threads I was integrating could lead to such a conclusion. To me, we had to have radical change in how we governed resources or depopulate. It was a mathematical result.

A year later, in 1999, a very capable investment and portfolio strategist asked me if he could come have a private lunch with me in Washington. We sat in a posh restaurant across from the Capitol. He said quietly that he had calculated out where the derivatives and debt bubble combined with globalization were going. The only logical conclusion he could reach was that significant depopulation was going to occur. He said his estimates led to an approximate population of 500 million. I said very quietly, “that’s my estimate too.” I will never forget the look of sadness that crossed his face. I was amazed to find someone else who understood.

It turns out that we were not alone. Sir James Goldsmith had warned of the consequences of GATT in 1994. He described the process under way, involving the loss of land and livelihood for 3 billion people, “…This is the establishment against the rest of society.” Voices were rising around the planet as hardships exploded from global economic warfare and industrialization of agriculture.

As trillions of dollars were shifted out of America by legal and illegal means to reinvest in Asia and emerging markets and to build a global military empire, we left a sovereign nation economic model behind. Finally, the expense and corruption of empire resulted in bailouts of $12-14 trillion, delivering a new financial war chest to the people leading the financial engineering. Now we have exploding unemployment, an exploding federal deficit, an Inspector General for the TARP bailout program predicting that the ultimate bailout cost could rise to $23.7 trillion and a Congressional Budget Director who is concluding that we can no longer afford the social safety net.

That is, unless you change the actuarial assumptions in the budget – like life expectancy. Lowering immune systems and increasing toxicity levels combined with poor food, water and terrorizing stress will help do the trick. Review the history of vaccines rushed into production without proper testing and peer review - it is clear about the potential side effects. In addition, a plague can so frighten and help control people that they will accept the end of their current benefits (and the resulting implications to life expectancy) without objection. And a plague with proper planning can be highly profitable. Whatever the truth of what swine flu and related vaccines are, it can be used as a way to keep control in a situation that is quickly shifting out of control.

In short, an epidemic can be used to offset the inflation of capital with increasing deflation of the value and income of labor and continual demand destruction. It is a great deal of time and money spent on something that will not help build a real economy. The disinformation and control opportunities are profound. They keep the slow burn going. It is the next, meaner face of “the establishment against the rest of society.”

That’s what I believe. I am not an expert. I have no case worth presenting in a court of law. There are hundreds of hours of research on the swine flu and related vaccines that I have not done and I am not going to do. It is just what I believe, listening to the people I respect, and in no small part because if you map out all the financial ecosystems around the issue and people and incentives involved, it seems to me to be the logical conclusion.

Now, if this sounds ludicrous to you, it may be because you do not appreciate how dark the culture has become that is now in charge. Do you have any idea how impossibly frustrating it is to manage a highly centralized system in which the vast majority of people lack any responsibility to ensure that the whole thing works? Everyone wants their free lunch and there are no real markets or democracy to force accountability or a shared intelligence. Force works. Force has increasingly become the way to achieve most everything. Using force is a lot easier that living with rising risk and the costs of subsidizing an aging population.

So the question for you and me is “what do we do?” Are we going to take a vaccine? Are we going to allow our children to be vaccinated? Will we have a choice? How can we organize to make sure that we do? Is self-quarantine a practical option? How would we prepare for it?

What you believe is your responsibility. The time has come to build time into Summer schedules to research options, discuss them with those you trust and make informed decisions about what you believe and what actions you intend to take under a variety of scenarios.

I don’t have the answers yet. Somehow, I believe we can find them together. And while we do, let’s remember to pray for the love of humanity to be rekindled and nourished in each and every heart.

Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:41 am
GT Truther

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Wht is Britian the first to be hit hard with the Swine Flu Pandemic?

British economic collapse rivals Great Depression

The collapse in Britain's economy now rivals the worst days of the Great Depression, it has emerged. ... ssion.html

The British are likely to be the first Nation of Riotting! Therefore to keep the Brits indoors and off the streets dose with them A/H1N1 and later inject them..

Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:50 am
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Shady Groves wrote:
A very interesting interview with Buzz Aldrin. Listen to what Buzz say about the "Monolith" on Mars Moon Phobos: "God put it there!" (Scroll forward to 53. 20 to hear his comments on this.) The entire interview is worth listening to. uzz Aldrin, the former NASA astronaut, has called for the world to press on with establishing a human settlement on Mars to offer the younger generation much-needed objectives. The second person to walk on the moon said that setting up habitation on the surface of the red planet was a "wonderful objective" for humanity.

The "monolith" discovered on Mars' moonlet Phobos appears pyramid-like in this preliminary shape-from-shading rendering


btw.. Love this pic of him so much.. I have a life sized one on my den wall oppositte of me as I type this :)


More on this:
Buzz Aldrin Reveals Existence of Monolith on Mars Moon... on C-Span

then enhanced shapes over the said monolith...and the baby monolith!


Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:09 am
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GT Truther
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Regan wrote:

This was a very thought-provoking piece of writing Dex. Thanks for
giving us such a simple and straightforward account of these extraordinary
experiences too.

It raises many issues about nuclear power, the ET presence and the
nature of our planetary culture of course, but I think the main one is the
cultural question of why we need ETs to step in and correct our mistakes.
Why are we not capable of correcting them ourselves? An intelligent society
is a self-correcting one surely. When it makes an error it acknowledges
that it has made one and sets about correcting it. But our society operates
daily in a general culture of cover-up, in which mistakes are routinely
ignored, denied and disowned so that they are actively prevented from being
corrected. As a result the errors in society accumulate and compound one
another until they become impossible messes that no-one can correct,
whereupon catastrophes occur.

I think we may take it as a pretty safe bet that the higher-evolved
ET societies are not like this. They will be intelligently self-correcting
so they will not lurch daily from one self-incurred disaster to the next
like our society does. Their worlds are safe and orderly yet people are free
in them. I can well understand why culturally advanced reptilians could
feel totally exasperated with us, who must appear to them as being the most
pig-headed, self-infatuated, perverse-minded, ego-touchy barbarians that
they could wish to meet anywhere in the galaxy. By and large we terrestrial
humans are not operating under the guidance of our own innate intelligence
but are living under the blind tyranny of our instincts and the cultural
conditioning that has been indoctrinated into us by our blind appointed
authorities from the cradle onwards.

It is reassuring to know that there are intelligent and benign ET
powers that are willing and able to intervene remedially when our cumulative
errors grow beyond our present capability to deal with them. But I would
think that such outside intervention must always be only a last hope and a
last recourse for human beings who are wanting earnestly to awaken and
evolve onto progressively higher levels of conscious living. To me the
evolutionary challenge confronting us is that of awakening and deploying our
own intrinsic intelligence, so that we actually become the fully
self-guiding, self-actualising beings that nature designed us to be. That
we needed ETs to alert us to the readily-observable fact that our nuclear
power stations were wantonly polluting our terrestrial habitat with
radioactive wastes is not only cosmically shameful and embarrassing but I
think it also shows us where we were at in terms of our social evolution in
that fateful year of 1986 when, as it happened, the Chernobyl reactor also
blew up. It has since come to light that Chernobyl happened for precisely
the same reason that the radioactive pollution of the waterways in the USA
also happened, namely because human errors went uncorrected and compounded
themselves until catastrophe was incurred.

The catastrophe-point is the point of no-return and every system in
creation has at least one of them. It is never easy in practice to
determine exactly where, in time and space, a given catastrophe-point
resides and when a system is being pushed over the limit it is usual for the
operators of the system to experience a gradual loss of control whereby they
feel that they are on a slippery slope to unforeseeable disaster. They may
be aware of the catastrophe looming and try frantically to bring the system
back under control, but by the time they are conscious of being on the
slippery slope it is usually already too late. By then whatever safeguards
had been erected to keep them off the slippery slope have already been
surpassed and the point of no-return has usually already been passed too.
With a horrifying inevitability events escalate as they unfold in their
natural sequence and the system "cascades" down to a new state of stability
on a lower level of order. In short, the system breaks down

So, how much has the human world nuclear power system evolved since
it received its wake-up call from the ETs and from Chernobyl in 1986? What
new safeguards have been put in place to prevent the radioactive pollution
of the planet from occurring? What new error-correction mechanisms have
been installed in society to ensure that any human errors which do occur in
its use of nuclear power will be corrected quickly before they grow into
unstoppable catastrophes?

You can probably answer these questions as easily as I can without
having to do much research. Just keeping abreast of the news is probably
all the "research" that anyone needs to do to arrive at the informed
conclusion that whatever safeguards against the radioactive pollution of the
planet, and whatever social error correction mechanisms may have existed in
1986 have been seriously eroded since then and are effectively threadbare by
now. If one of the nuclear power-producing mega-corporations was to dump
its radioactive waste straight into everybody's tap-water for convenience,
who would even know about it outside the super-secret top echelons of the
government and the nuclear power industry? And the MIC is already
sprinkling nuclear waste materials in the form of DU dust all over the
planet wherever it prosecutes one of the countless wars that it uses to
justify its own existence. No, where that part of collective human
intelligence responsible for controlling its nuclear power system is
concerned, the evolutionary process has definitely gone backwards since
1986, whereafter it should have gone forwards instead in response to the
wake-up call that the world received then.

The world nuclear power system is just one component of the whole
terrestrial human system of course and we can see the same devolutionary
process occurring in them all. The world is now more chaotic, less
intelligent and more out of control than it was in 1986 as a result. We may
see that this process is occurring essentially because of the entrenched
world culture of denial of error. In order to turn the situation around I
think it is necessary to create a new culture which fosters error-correction
in place of the old, decadent culture of error-suppression. There is no
other way that I can see, with or without the help of ETs.


Thank you for being on the same page Regan. I wish the main stream thinking could share similar views? Your thought provoking response ought to be considered by the majority of us. Hmm
Are we, here on these forums, saturated and deeply familiarized with these story's ready for the truth? I still think not and then who is if not people that discuss these issues on a daily basis? Perplexing.
The most important things, highest of things, we've been taught to have faith in that ought to be known I can't share my testimony because of wound inflicting jabs of denial and mistrust.
So, generation after generation, I guess that leaves it boiling down to only a receptive few who'll ever know what the majority was intended to know per lifetime.


Extraterrestrial's said to Alex..."The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry lifetime after lifetime".

Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:02 am
GT Truther
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Shady Groves wrote:
Eyes are indeed windows to the soul... Take a look at the eyes of the blue being above.. I don't know about you folks..I've seen alot of spooky stuff in my day...

This one just send ice cold chills down my spine and set off the "Danger Will Robersion Danger!'''

Shiverring Shady


Fixing the data and the message from this Rogue Rigelian Visitor:


The only reason the Grays have such a degree of dominance over you is because your elected officials stupidly made clandestine agreements with them, binding you to them in an exclusive alliance that is respected by other space races, allowing them to install themselves in underground bases impregnable to your weaponry, a situation you must now find a way to extricate yourselves from."

In antiquity this planet was divided into sectors between four different groups: Blonds, Grays, large lizard-like beings [now connected with] the Capella system, and beings [now connected with] the Arcturus system. These groups still consider themselves to be the owners of this planet. They do not recognize the human claim to ownership. However, some of us do recognize human rights, as well as the rights of other life-forms...

The Grays are having problems not only within their own ranks, but also on other planets they have colonized. As a species they are afflicted with severe, perhaps terminal, health problems. They have substantial captive populations of Blond, human and other prisoners of war, eager to join a revolt at the slightest opportunity...

One must be rational in attempting to fight back, and understand the proper way to proceed. Your own consciousness is the most potent weapon that is available to you at the present time. The most effective way to fight the Grays is to change the level of your consciousness from linear thinking to multi-dimensional awareness. Your secret weapon, your ace in the hole, is that you are not hive-minded collective thinkers, though many of you do fall into that category by conforming to conventional group-patterns, and are therefore easily controlled by the Grays. It is your INDIVIDUALITY which is your best weapon, because it is the one weapon you have that the Grays do not have. The major weakness of the Grays, their area of vulnerability, their Achilles heel, is their inability to think as individuals. They are an extremely telepathic high-tech society, but as individuals they are not creative thinkers. They take orders well, but they do not conceptualize well. They have the technology to throw your planet out of orbit, but there is one key ability that you have and they do not have: the ability to hold in mind imagery that inspires an individual to realize his or her direct personal connection to the source of ALL THAT IS, which is the ineffable Godhead, no matter what name you may call it. That is your key to victory..."
end quoted from: ... 849265/pg1

Remember: this whole thing is about self-responsibility, self-rule and self choice.
Überm Sternenzelt richtet Gott, wie wir gerichtet.

Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:24 am
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GT Truther

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Post Re: A Mission Among Many
aquaman417 wrote:
Dex wrote:

This had nothing to do with my earlier contacts with the Hosts of Light or the people from Coma Berenices. This new group was concerned with the continuing Plant's practice contaminating the whole environment including their priority concern was how it would affect the children's genetics.

After, being contacted and informed by this new ET group, (I'm not going into details)

I can verify this new group are nice looking, humanoid. not spooky, not grey, They wore toga's, sandal's with strapped leg bounds, had large round eye arrangement, very large hairless heads and looked like what you'd think Aristotle or a Socrates would eventually evolve into in about a million or so years. What future men would appear.

I've learned through encounters, technological evolutionary advancements vary with the different species, both human and humanoid.
I haven't encountered creature intelligence, so, I don't know anything about them, and from what I've heard on these forums I wouldn't want too.
I use to like Iguanas', because they reminded me of Jurassic dinosaurs, since, I've learned about Reptilians, I think I'm ruined. I can't feel comfortable with the idea we're not liked by a specie and actually interfered with by them with a disclosure desire I think could save our world by helping unify 'all' cultures to new creative endeavor levels. A whole new focus and hope for expansion enabling an abundance for all to enjoy.
Ending the exaggerated stress for survival.


Aquaman inserts: At what age were you when first contacted by this new alien group. These things usually occur every 11 years beginning at the age of 5. So from 5 to 16 was this the age range when you had contact with the being with the hawk like features? And the second group, the Coma Berenices, were these contacts that began around what age? 16? 27? 38? 49? I myself just turned 49 this year and seem to have run into a different group of E.T. My abduction was at 38, the same age as Billy Meier when he ran into Semjase. And I did think at the time that these may have been the Pleadians who I ran into then.

Edited by GTADMIN to fix post


There is a very interesting letter supporting Disclosure down on the bibliotecapleides site. This French scientist says that he believes that the US has "anti-matter" capabilities which they acquired from ET technology. He said that this technology is remarkable because it can be used for "matter transmutation" purposes. What this means is that radioactive crap can be "transmuted" into something benign. If he is correct, then many of the issues being raised by "helpful" ETs seem a bit specious. Why are they so concerned about the environment when it could be easily cleaned up with transmutation?

Also, I strongly recommend that everybody begin to read about Psychotronic weapons or Information Weapon technology. Information Weapons are not COMPUTERS or INTEL. They are transceivers that permit actual pictures, thoughts, emotions and endocrine responses to be transmitted via microwave or scalar waves directly into human beings.

The Russians voted to outlaw these weapons in 2001. The EU has been thinking about it, but probably won't ban them until the Rothschilds are convinced that they can't get their hands on such weapons for themselves. The danger in this weapons is that they can completely control the majority of human beings. Those humans will BELIEVE that they are acting of their own accord but they will actually be puppets of someone else.

Now, there is a bright spot in this information. It seems that when the Russians tried to use them to stop Gorbachev (prior to the weapons ban), these weapons did not work on every person. However, these weapons do cause a variety of effects including, but not limited to, highly colored floating bubbles or "orbs."

This does not mean that every orb is a product of such weapons. It doesn't mean that we are all stuck in the matrix, but it suggests that we need to be cautious in some of our assumptions about a lot of things.

To test whether something is real or an "artifact" of a psychotronics device, try covering your head, chest and lower GI tract with a shield of some kind such as lead, copper sheeting, etc. If there is a change in the images that you are receiving, it is very likely that what you are getting is not from a biological source. Telepathy and other transmissions are sent via a host of now identified "bio energy" particles. Yep, it is true. We sent particles of energy to each other. These seem to act differently than microwaves/scalar waves when sent. I regret that I don't have more information on that aspect of this post.

FINALLY, AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. As I mentioned on an earlier post, the people that don't respond to psychotronics may (and I don't have numbers on this) begin to manifest psi abilities in response to their exposure. Those people sort of "light up." They begin to exhibit things like telepathy, telekinesis, super empathy, the ability to heal others from illness, the ability to accelerate plant growth as well as other abilities that have not been recorded.

This does not mean that only certain people have these abilities. It turns out that we all do to some extent.

To begin training your brain to permit control over the things that might be coming your way, go to Psyleron. This is a company run by a bunch of the guys who began the PEAR research at Princeton. They have a lamp that will change color in response to human thought. Get that lamp. Here are the secrets to it.



Here are some tips on the methods of making the lamp change color:

1. Some people see the lamp in a different color in their minds.

2. Some people see things of the color that they want to change such as grass or leaves for the color green, blue skies for blue, etc. etc.

3. Some people can "see" color change only with their eyes open. Some can only make it work with their eyes closed.

4. Some people see the names of the colors that they want and that creates change.

5. Some people change the lamp by facing it.

6. Some people change the lamp by facing away from it.

There is no "right way" to make the lamp change color, there is only the discovery of your own gifts and how they work. Don't approach the lamp game with fear or anxiety or competitive brio. Just let it happen because I have not found ANYONE who doesn't affect it in some way.

The important thing is to learn how you control your energy projection (i.e. what triggers that your brain requires) and to practice your ability. Once you understand how to use the lamp---YOU WILL REALIZE SOMETHING THAT CAN BE USED TO FIX THE WORLD. That realization is:
if your thoughts can affect physical change in a lamp, then your thoughts have huge power. USE THAT POWER FOR GOOD. CHANGE THE WORLD'S DIRECTION WITH YOUR THOUGHTS. DO IT NOW.

YOU DO NOT NEED THE ETs to harness this power within you. You were born with it. You have always had it. SET IT FREE. Imagine if people everywhere woke up to this power and began to actively send out the power for change--we could not be held prisoner by anyone. There billions of us and only thousands of them--all of them from here or from elsewhere. We can disable their trinkets.


I would start with the foolish vaccine program. Tell it to stop. Tell the vaccine to become inert with no live viruses, dangerous chemicals or anything harmful. Imagine the vaccine being distilled water. Let the universe sort out how to accomplish your thoughts. Just keep thinking them. Imagine the governors not agreeing to the innoculations. Imagine the biogenerators (the thought control devices) not working. Imagine the GWEN towers shutting down. If you can turn on a lamp, you can shut down a tower. GET IT?

Hope and benevolence towards all mankind,


"...mankind will not merely survive, he will prevail...for alone among all animals, mankind has compassion." Faulkner, Nobel Prize Speech 1953

Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:32 am
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GT Truther
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Daily Mail reports on UK government “swine flu” vaccination advisor who sits on board of company whose vaccines are classified as “bioweapons” under EU and US regulations
By birdflu666
The mainstream UK newspaper, the Daily Mail, reports today that Professor Sir Roy Anderson, a government advisor who has recommended mass vaccination against the “swine flu”, is a paid director of GlaxoSmithKline, one of the vaccine company expected to earn as much as billion pounds from its vaccines.

The CDC influenza expert Nancy J. Cox sits on WHO’s Scientific Advisrory Group of Experts (SAGE) packed with GSK, Baxter and other vaccine company executives with “observer status” that recommended mass vaccinations to WHO.

“Government virus expert paid £116k by Tamiflu anti-viral makers By David Derbyshire

A scientist who advises the Government on swine flu is a paid director of a drugs firm making hundreds of millions of pounds from the pandemic.

Professor Sir Roy Anderson sits on the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), a 20-strong task force drawing up the action plan for the virus.

Yet he also holds a £116,000-a-year post on the board of GlaxoSmithKline, the company selling swine flu vaccines and anti-virals to the NHS.

Sir Roy faced demands to step down yesterday amid claims that the jobs were incompatible. ‘This is a clear conflict of interest and should be of great concern to taxpayers and government officials alike,’ said Matthew Elliott of the TaxPayers’ Alliance.

‘You cannot have the man in charge of medical emergencies having any financial interest in the management of those emergencies. We need someone totally unbiased to tackle this crisis.’

The Department of Health and GSK denied there was a conflict and said Sir Roy did not attend Sage meetings where vaccines and drugs were discussed.

Sir Roy was appointed to Sage to ‘provide cross-government scientific advice regarding the outbreak of swine flu’. He was one of the first UK experts to call the outbreak a pandemic.

During an interview for Radio Four’s Today programme on May 1, he praised the anti-flu drugs and called for their distribution. Listeners were not told he was paid by GSK.

The West London-based drugs giant has had to defend itself from allegations of profiteering from swine flu after posting profits of £2.1billion in the last three months.

Sales of the company’s Relenza inhaler, an alternative to Tamiflu used by pregnant women among others, are expected to top £600million. This figure could be boosted by up to £2billion once deliveries of the firm’s swine-flu vaccine begin in September.

Sir Roy, 61, who was unavailable for comment yesterday, earned £116,000 at GSK last year, at least a quarter of which he received in shares.”

Read more:;jsessionid=0807CC13761E3945004F1123CBFC1C0F
Conflict of interests here!!! :evil:

Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:50 am
GT Truther
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Shady Groves wrote:
Wht is Britian the first to be hit hard with the Swine Flu Pandemic?

British economic collapse rivals Great Depression

The collapse in Britain's economy now rivals the worst days of the Great Depression, it has emerged. ... ssion.html

The British are likely to be the first Nation of Riotting! Therefore to keep the Brits indoors and off the streets dose with them A/H1N1 and later inject them..

Er - NOT ME!!! Although I'm moaning about all the 'media-panic-inducing-hype' at the moment. Then there are the 'advisors' to the government...
Have a bottle of vinegar handy to rub vigorously on any unwanted jab, and some colloidal silver (preferably nano-particle) to nebulise/apply/drink. Tons of D3 and C vitamins also.
Swines :evil: :x :x


Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:57 am
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Post Re: A Mission Among Many
Madame_Karnak wrote:

There is a very interesting letter supporting Disclosure down on the bibliotecapleides site. This French scientist says that he believes that the US has "anti-matter" capabilities which they acquired from ET technology. He said that this technology is remarkable because it can be used for "matter transmutation" purposes. What this means is that radioactive crap can be "transmuted" into something benign. If he is correct, then many of the issues being raised by "helpful" ETs seem a bit specious. Why are they so concerned about the environment when it could be easily cleaned up with transmutation?

Also, I strongly recommend that everybody begin to read about Psychotronic weapons or Information Weapon technology. Information Weapons are not COMPUTERS or INTEL. They are transceivers that permit actual pictures, thoughts, emotions and endocrine responses to be transmitted via microwave or scalar waves directly into human beings.

The Russians voted to outlaw these weapons in 2001. The EU has been thinking about it, but probably won't ban them until the Rothschilds are convinced that they can't get their hands on such weapons for themselves. The danger in this weapons is that they can completely control the majority of human beings. Those humans will BELIEVE that they are acting of their own accord but they will actually be puppets of someone else.

Now, there is a bright spot in this information. It seems that when the Russians tried to use them to stop Gorbachev (prior to the weapons ban), these weapons did not work on every person. However, these weapons do cause a variety of effects including, but not limited to, highly colored floating bubbles or "orbs."

This does not mean that every orb is a product of such weapons. It doesn't mean that we are all stuck in the matrix, but it suggests that we need to be cautious in some of our assumptions about a lot of things.

To test whether something is real or an "artifact" of a psychotronics device, try covering your head, chest and lower GI tract with a shield of some kind such as lead, copper sheeting, etc. If there is a change in the images that you are receiving, it is very likely that what you are getting is not from a biological source. Telepathy and other transmissions are sent via a host of now identified "bio energy" particles. Yep, it is true. We sent particles of energy to each other. These seem to act differently than microwaves/scalar waves when sent. I regret that I don't have more information on that aspect of this post.

FINALLY, AND THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. As I mentioned on an earlier post, the people that don't respond to psychotronics may (and I don't have numbers on this) begin to manifest psi abilities in response to their exposure. Those people sort of "light up." They begin to exhibit things like telepathy, telekinesis, super empathy, the ability to heal others from illness, the ability to accelerate plant growth as well as other abilities that have not been recorded.

This does not mean that only certain people have these abilities. It turns out that we all do to some extent.

To begin training your brain to permit control over the things that might be coming your way, go to Psyleron. This is a company run by a bunch of the guys who began the PEAR research at Princeton. They have a lamp that will change color in response to human thought. Get that lamp. Here are the secrets to it.



Here are some tips on the methods of making the lamp change color:

1. Some people see the lamp in a different color in their minds.

2. Some people see things of the color that they want to change such as grass or leaves for the color green, blue skies for blue, etc. etc.

3. Some people can "see" color change only with their eyes open. Some can only make it work with their eyes closed.

4. Some people see the names of the colors that they want and that creates change.

5. Some people change the lamp by facing it.

6. Some people change the lamp by facing away from it.

There is no "right way" to make the lamp change color, there is only the discovery of your own gifts and how they work. Don't approach the lamp game with fear or anxiety or competitive brio. Just let it happen because I have not found ANYONE who doesn't affect it in some way.

The important thing is to learn how you control your energy projection (i.e. what triggers that your brain requires) and to practice your ability. Once you understand how to use the lamp---YOU WILL REALIZE SOMETHING THAT CAN BE USED TO FIX THE WORLD. That realization is:
if your thoughts can affect physical change in a lamp, then your thoughts have huge power. USE THAT POWER FOR GOOD. CHANGE THE WORLD'S DIRECTION WITH YOUR THOUGHTS. DO IT NOW.

YOU DO NOT NEED THE ETs to harness this power within you. You were born with it. You have always had it. SET IT FREE. Imagine if people everywhere woke up to this power and began to actively send out the power for change--we could not be held prisoner by anyone. There billions of us and only thousands of them--all of them from here or from elsewhere. We can disable their trinkets.


I would start with the foolish vaccine program. Tell it to stop. Tell the vaccine to become inert with no live viruses, dangerous chemicals or anything harmful. Imagine the vaccine being distilled water. Let the universe sort out how to accomplish your thoughts. Just keep thinking them. Imagine the governors not agreeing to the innoculations. Imagine the biogenerators (the thought control devices) not working. Imagine the GWEN towers shutting down. If you can turn on a lamp, you can shut down a tower. GET IT?

Hope and benevolence towards all mankind,


Thanks MK

Fabulous - I've 'done' this lots of times - sometimes using Reiki, but often with concentrated thought - and watched it work!!!
'white witches' call concentric thinking a 'cone of power'.
Let's do it. There are organised times for this type of 'concentration' on spiritual sites.

Avid :-D

Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:08 pm
GT Truther

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Post Let's Convene A "Think-In"
]Dear Avid,

Let's do it. Everyone within eyeshot of this forum should pick a time to set aside for this Great "Undoing." We probably should come up with some themes for the Undoing, no more than five and then write beginning visualizations. I am sure that as time goes on, the "thinkers" will start coming up with their own visualizations. I would like everybody to focus on "positive" images not negative ones. This means no images of evisceration of the bad guys even though it might feel good to do so. No "killing images" except for viruses, exploding celestial objects of harm and things like that.

So what are the themes that you think that we should concentrate on? Remember that regardless of how much everybody likes their jetskis, the world of tomorrow is going to be different and there might not be jetskis as we know them now. Our world will be different. We might have mass media but it won't be the violent dreck that we see now. We all will probably have to be raising our own food for a while. We will have to restructure our society and our methods of commerce and exchange. There will be efforts to organize manufacturing of a completely different type. MY POINT IS; VISUALIZING THE WORLD STAYING AS IT IS IS IMPRACTICAL AND VIOLATES THE SPIRIT OF THIS LEARNING EXPERIENCE.

We are being pushed into the necessity for change by forces greater than ourselves. Therefore, what we create in our minds needs to be different from what we have now. We have to start from that point.

Some themes that I think that should be considered:

1. Vaccine manufacturers equipment seizing up and stopping production. Shelved vaccine turning into water. Vaccination workers refusing to give vaccinations. Their equipment malfunctioning

2. Foreclosures being halted. People refusing to put other people out in the street.

3. People starting gardens under canopies to grow food for themselves and their friends.

4. Military and other people changing out toxins for chemtrails for big barrels of clean water and dumping that instead.

5. Reporters suddenly telling the truth and being protected by police, sheriffs and military.

Okay, these are not detailed or colorful, but they are a start. Everybody send in some pet dreams of the world that we should have (none involving jetskis unless the jetskis are plasma or solar powered). Then we can choose the best ones.


"...mankind will not merely survive, he will prevail...for alone among all animals, mankind has compassion." Faulkner, Nobel Prize Speech 1953

Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:10 pm
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Post Re: Let's Convene A "Think-In"
Madame_Karnak wrote:
]Dear Avid,

Let's do it. Everyone within eyeshot of this forum should pick a time to set aside for this Great "Undoing." We probably should come up with some themes for the Undoing, no more than five and then write beginning visualizations. I am sure that as time goes on, the "thinkers" will start coming up with their own visualizations. I would like everybody to focus on "positive" images not negative ones. This means no images of evisceration of the bad guys even though it might feel good to do so. No "killing images" except for viruses, exploding celestial objects of harm and things like that.

So what are the themes that you think that we should concentrate on? Remember that regardless of how much everybody likes their jetskis, the world of tomorrow is going to be different and there might not be jetskis as we know them now. Our world will be different. We might have mass media but it won't be the violent dreck that we see now. We all will probably have to be raising our own food for a while. We will have to restructure our society and our methods of commerce and exchange. There will be efforts to organize manufacturing of a completely different type. MY POINT IS; VISUALIZING THE WORLD STAYING AS IT IS IS IMPRACTICAL AND VIOLATES THE SPIRIT OF THIS LEARNING EXPERIENCE.

We are being pushed into the necessity for change by forces greater than ourselves. Therefore, what we create in our minds needs to be different from what we have now. We have to start from that point.

Some themes that I think that should be considered:

1. Vaccine manufacturers equipment seizing up and stopping production. Shelved vaccine turning into water. Vaccination workers refusing to give vaccinations. Their equipment malfunctioning

2. Foreclosures being halted. People refusing to put other people out in the street.

3. People starting gardens under canopies to grow food for themselves and their friends.

4. Military and other people changing out toxins for chemtrails for big barrels of clean water and dumping that instead.

5. Reporters suddenly telling the truth and being protected by police, sheriffs and military.

Okay, these are not detailed or colorful, but they are a start. Everybody send in some pet dreams of the world that we should have (none involving jetskis unless the jetskis are plasma or solar powered). Then we can choose the best ones.


I've put the word out to see if we can join an existing group with this 'in mind' - seeing as it would appear to be the most critical issue at the moment.
The others factors are important, and the weaponry today has 'mind-blocking' technology. We must protect our own minds first and foremost.
Honestly - the old japes about 'tinfoil' hats are not so funny now are they!!!
Awaiting news from afar then....
Avid :-D
BTW - Jetski transportation near me is impossible - no water nearby!!! :lol:

Mon Jul 27, 2009 1:34 pm
GT Truther

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Post OK OK Jetskis were just an example!
Dear Avid,

I actually don't have a real problem with jetskis ;-) I like the idea of joining a group, too. The reason that I told everybody about the lamp is because it just seems to confirm something that they already sense, but don't know.

After reading the Half-past-Human report, I KNOW that we have to get busy. It is clear that the entire world is hip the issues. Whew! This has been a day filled with startling events. Over on the ProjectCamelot site, Steven Greer has just been accused of threatening a bunch of Spanish inventors and being an evil alien apologist. I can't wait to see what happens next--on as the Planet Turns.


"...mankind will not merely survive, he will prevail...for alone among all animals, mankind has compassion." Faulkner, Nobel Prize Speech 1953

Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:43 pm
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Uncle John here: A lot happening lately. I'm hoping that this is just the final problems before the STS offworlders are tossed off this planet forever.

Nothing left to do but, smile, smile, smile.

Edit: I would just like to add a big thank you for all the posters on the golden thread. Such a wonderful place.

Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:06 pm
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other interesting events

Friday, July 24, 2009

AMAZING Photo / Video - Face Shaped Orb - Perth, Australia - UPDATED! Enhanced



Video: ... r_embedded

Paul shot this video on July 24th. In slow motion there is a depiction of a face shaped orb. Paul has maintained this apparition occurs....this is the first time he was able to capture it on video

Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:36 pm
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UFO crash site subject of exploration dive
by Kathy Johnson/The Coastguard

View all articles from Kathy Johnson/The Coastguard

Article online since July 25th 2009, 14:37

Research work is underway on another project exploring the Shag Harbour UFO incident of Oct. 4 1967, with a dive on the crash site on July 20 by retired IT professional David Cvet.

Two years in the works but delayed for weather related reasons numerous times, Cvet, who lives in Toronto and summers in the Digby area, said the purpose of the dive was two-fold and was successful on both counts.

First, Cvet wanted to gather intelligence on the water, the seabed and diving conditions in the waters known as the Shag Harbour Rip. He also wanted to try and locate the anomalous sonar readings obtained by the BIO research ship Navicula during a bottom survey of the area in 1988.

The expedition team, comprised of Cvet, diver and underwater photographer Lauren McGowan, local diver Freeland Reynolds and videographer Rick Davis were taken to the dive site aboard the fishing boat, The Receiver General, captained by Vincent Goreham.

With Reynolds and Davis remaining on board, Cvet and McGowan dove on the site on the low tide for minimal tidal movement, and to reduce the depth of the dive thereby maximizing the time spent exploring the bottom.

Cvet likened the water conditions to “pea soup,” with visibility limited to about two meters. During the 25 minutes spent exploring the bottom Cvet located two slight depressions on the ocean floor that were “inconsistent with the surrounding seabed.

“The lack of flora on the depression bottom was observed and thought unusual given the surrounding area was populated with flora and fauna,” writes Cvet in his notes chronicling the expedition.

“The dive was considered a success, as much data was garnered during the dive in terms of water, bottom and dive conditions, useful for planning future dive expeditions,” says Cvet.

“The discovery of the depressions, which may or may not play the part of the original sonar anomalies was a bonus, but, given only two were observed, the outcome remains inconclusive.”

Cvet hopes to do a second dive with additional equipment and instrumentation, sometime within the next year. Eventually Cvet is hoping his research will turn into a documentary.

“I think the Shag Harbour incident is one of those rare instances where it has not been commercialized,” said Cvet, adding himself as well as other researchers and writers on the subject have been trying to “do everything in a very creditable way. I think it’s good for the people of Shag Harbour that it’s being done very carefully with conservative methodology. Then the yahoos can’t say it’s all fake.”

Cvet, who teaches martial arts when he’s not exploring in the paranormal, will be one of the presenters at the 2009 UFO Festival and Symposium on Aug. 14 and 15.

Hosted by the Shag Harbour UFO Incident Society activities for the two day event will be held at the UFO Centre in Shag Harbour and the Barrington Area Lions Club.

Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:39 pm
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Transparent Aluminum Is ‘New State Of Matter’

ScienceDaily (July 27, 2009) — Oxford scientists have created a transparent form of aluminium by bombarding the metal with the world’s most powerful soft X-ray laser. ‘Transparent aluminium’ previously only existed in science fiction, featuring in the movie Star Trek IV, but the real material is an exotic new state of matter with implications for planetary science and nuclear fusion. ... 130814.htm

Mon Jul 27, 2009 8:45 pm
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Russian Navy Declassifies Cold War Close Encounters
Published on 07-27-2009

Source: Wired ... ncounters/

Great catch by Phil Ewing at Navy Times‘ Scoop Deck blog: the Russian navy has just declassified its records of Cold War UFO sightings. Turns out “50 percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen [percent] more — with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,” one Russian officer explained.

“On several occasions the instruments gave reading of material objects moving at incredible speed,” a sub commander recalled. “Calculations showed speeds of about 230 knots, or 400 kph. Speeding so fast is a challenge even on the surface. But water resistance is much higher. It was like the objects defied the laws of physics. There’s only one explanation: the creatures who built them far surpass us in development.”

Insert jab about superior U.S. Navy submarine technology, here.

All joking aside, in one alleged incident in 1982, three navy diver trainees reportedly died pursuing what survivors described as “a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits” in Baikal, the world’s deepest lake.

Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:16 pm
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World will warm faster than predicted in next five years, study warns ... ster-study

New estimate based on the forthcoming upturn in solar activity and El Niño southern oscillation cycles is expected to silence global warming sceptics

Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:19 pm
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Parole Hearing to Be Held Tuesday for Imprisoned Native American Activist Leonard Peltier
July 27th, 2009 9:38 AM
Categories: News

Link: ... ld_tuesday

The sixty-four-year-old activist has been in prison for thirty-three years and is now being held at the Lewisburg prison in Pennsylvania. Peltier was convicted of killing two FBI agents during a shootout on South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in 1975.


Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:22 pm
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Monday, July 27. 2009
The girl with the "all seeing eye"

Nothing to do with the Illuminati but the name being attached to an apparently unique medical anomaly and a testament to the amazing adaptability of the human brain.

A girl born with only half a brain can only see with one eye but somehow her brain has rewired itself so that one eye provides full vision.

Scientists have discovered how a 10-year-old girl born with half a brain is able to see normally through one eye. The youngster, from Germany, has both fields of vision in one eye and is the only known case of its kind in the world.

University of Glasgow researchers used Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to reveal how the girl’s brain had rewired itself in order to process information from the right and left visual fields in spite of her not having a whole brain. The right hemisphere in the girl’s brain failed to develop in the womb.

Normally, the left and right fields of vision are processed and mapped by opposite sides of the brain, but scans on the German girl showed that retinal nerve fibres that should go to the right hemisphere of the brain diverted to the left.


Further, the researchers found that within the visual cortex of the left hemisphere, which creates an internal map of the right field of vision, ‘islands’ had been formed within it to specifically deal with, and map out, the left visual field in the absence of the right hemisphere.

Dr Lars Muckli of the Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging in the Department of Psychology, who led the study, said: “This study has revealed the surprising flexibility of the brain when it comes to self-organising mechanisms for forming visual maps.

“The brain has amazing plasticity but we were quite astonished to see just how well the single hemisphere of the brain in this girl has adapted to compensate for the missing half.

"Despite lacking one hemisphere, the girl has normal psychological function and is perfectly capable of living a normal and fulfilling life. She is witty, charming and intelligent."

So treat your brain a little better from now on, it deserves it.

Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:28 pm
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You all know that I am not a fear causing poster here, but I listened to Kerry Cassidy talk to this Dr. Waterman and then went to his site. Dr. Waterman is a Board Certified Naturophy type doctor ok.

There is a video on his site that you all need to go and hear and listen to because with all Shady and others have been posting regarding this flu bit and all and what this lady "Mary" has called into Joyce Riley, yes Nurse Joyce Rile from the Gulf War Syndrome that she is telling all of this stuff to is not sounding good at all.

Go listen to this video on there and then we'll go from there. ... -security/


Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:24 pm
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Simply put if any anyone one comes near my family members.. With a mandatory jab..

They are going to get a nasty lead surprise.. We've already vowed not take it no matter what.


Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:18 pm
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The story behind the $500 billion on the Fed’s books

Many heads were wagging as Federal Reserve Gang Boss Ben (helicopter) Bernanke was grilled about why the Federal Reserve Board sent $500 billion overseas in late 2007.

Bernanke says the money went to 14 other central banks but he is lying. What really happened is that the Federal Reserve Board, facing bankruptcy at the end of the secret fiscal year of 2007 went begging to all the other European central banks for money to postpone its bankruptcy for another year. In other words, that $500 billion that appeared on its books in late 2007 are IOUs sent to 14 countries. At the time this maneuver was reported as an infusion of $500 billion into the markets by the European Central Bank.

Well, like a junkie going around mooching off old friends, there comes a time when nobody is willing to pay for a self-destructive habit anymore. That is what happened in September 2008. The US criminal government has been looting everything it can from its own American slave peoples since then in a desperate effort to postpone the inevitable. September 2009 will have Obama going around asking for $2 trillion or more and he ain’t going to get it.

Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:32 pm
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Web bot cancelled - they've put it up for sale :cry:

Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:13 am
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Post Re: OK OK Jetskis were just an example!
Madame_Karnak wrote:
Dear Avid,

I actually don't have a real problem with jetskis ;-) I like the idea of joining a group, too. The reason that I told everybody about the lamp is because it just seems to confirm something that they already sense, but don't know.

After reading the Half-past-Human report, I KNOW that we have to get busy. It is clear that the entire world is hip the issues. Whew! This has been a day filled with startling events. Over on the ProjectCamelot site, Steven Greer has just been accused of threatening a bunch of Spanish inventors and being an evil alien apologist. I can't wait to see what happens next--on as the Planet Turns.


Hi MK!
I've just received this message:
I've belonged to a mailing list for some years which is run by Dr Richard Boylan. Usually several times a year Dr Boylan conducts a joint psychic exercise, involving the people on the mailing list and thousands of friendly alien species as well. I seem to remember he's got one planned for next month or so re the swine flu. I have seen hard evidence (e.g. official government photographs) that some of the past psychic exercises have produced huge results. One held about 16 months ago rendered a bioweapon inert that was being released into the water supply of New York and LA. It was a flu artificially combined with ebola. You'd be amazed how many battles Dr Boylan has conducted in this way. Also, I am telepathic and clairvoyant, and have found Dr Boylan to be not 100% accurate but certainly more accurate than anyone else, including Kerry and Bill.

The mailing list for Dr Boylan is at:

I'm off to check this out.... :-D
Cheers Avid :-D hmmmmm???

This page is spreading so wide I can read stuff properly....

Just in...
Let's try THIS!!!

Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:32 am
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